Trinnov WaveForming: a revolution in acoustics?
Trinnov WaveForming: a revolution in acoustics?
Trinnov WaveForming: a revolution in acoustics?

Is Trinnov WaveForming a revolution in acoustics?

The French brand Trinnov turns 20 this year. In the anniversary year, the company introduced a new technology called WaveForming (“wave formation”). The first public demonstration of its capabilities took place at the ISE 2023 exhibition, held in Barcelona at the beginning of the year.

The essence of the technology is to use the acoustic properties of the room for a more accurate reproduction of low frequencies. Although installers regularly encounter room modes and standing waves and know how to deal with them, the laws of physics are inexorable – far from all problems can be solved, even if you choose the right place to install the subwoofer and “play around” with fine level and delay settings. The WaveForming developers claim that with the new technology everything will become much easier, and promise that WaveForming will significantly improve the reproduction of low frequencies, and its application will most likely lead to a radical change in the principles of home theater design.

Trinnov WaveForming: a revolution in acoustics?
Trinnov WaveForming: a revolution in acoustics?

WaveForming is the result of six years of research; The company assumes that improving the technology will be one of the main tasks of Trinnov for the next decade. As the development team conducts additional testing and collects data on each installation, Trinnov will create clear installation instructions. It is expected that the first guide for integrators will appear this summer. Although recommendations for ideal configurations have already been developed, additional testing will allow other speaker layouts to be added – for installation projects with less stringent results.

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