Musician Taurus
Musician Taurus
Musician Taurus

Musician launches Taurus Resistive Matrix digital-to-analog converter

The new Musician Taurus digital-to-analog converter is based on Altera’s cutting-edge solution , providing signal transmission with the highest quality and accuracy.


The DAC block is made on four resistive matrices (R-2R), built on Panasonic microfilm resistors with a resistance accuracy of 0.005%. A proprietary solution on the STM32F446 chip is responsible for processing the signal from the USB port , allowing the device to receive a 24-bit/1536 kHz PCM digital stream and a native DSD1024 stream .


Accurate compliance with the timing characteristics of the signal is ensured by a thermally stable clock generator; in addition, the model has an output for clock pulses of 49.152 MHz and 45.1584 MHz for external devices. The output of the digital-to-analog converter uses a digital filter with 16 times oversampling. The declared output signal-to-noise ratio is 127 dB , phase deviations do not exceed 0.001 degrees.


The Musician Taurus D/A Converter comes in black and white and is available for pre-order for $3,800 .

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