Too often we find ourselves disappointed with the quality of the sequel to a movie we like … However, nothing beats the feeling of complete devastation that a fan of a cult franchise has when, after a great start or, even worse, a stunning first sequel, a disgusting piece of art is suddenly released. at the root of the film’s charisma.
We’ve rounded up the top ten most disappointing sequels, the first parts of which were amazingly good.
10. Alien 3 / Alien 3 (1992)
The third part of the saga about an alien monster was entrusted to shoot to David Fincher, and fans of his work were waiting for a real breakthrough. However, he failed to surpass both the original film by Ridley Scott and the ingenious sequel of James Cameron. Instead of further unfolding the story and expanding it in all directions, the director decided to actually turn the whole action back and put the main character with a monster between the walls of a space prison, where the worst waste of the Universe is collected. Unfortunately, neither the proposed plot, nor the logic of the development of events could interest the audience, and Fincher’s reputation is saved only by the fact that all subsequent films in the franchise turned out to be even worse.
9. Chronicles of Riddick (2004)
After the unexpected success of the first installment, Pitch Black, which was filmed for lunch, director David Tui was finally entrusted with a serious budget. And he decided to make a new universe out of the cruel world of Vin Diesel’s hero at the junction of Star Wars and Dune. However, the fans of the first part who were expecting a new battle with unknown monsters received a poorly written story about hitherto unknown necromongers, furians and other peoples, against which the main character somehow even got lost. And while the film doesn’t look so bad these days against the backdrop of today’s disaster of the fantasy genre, it was he who buried the promising franchise.
8. Robocop 3 / Robocop 3 (1993)
The first film, directed by Paul Verhoeven, turned out to be fresh and even poignant, despite the not too original plot. His screening at the Moscow Film Festival in 1987 was a real event. The second part, although it did not bring anything new to the story about a robotic police officer, still did not look so bad. But the third film came out so pale and boring that there were no attempts to continue the franchise until recently.
7. Terminator: Rise of the Machines (2003)
Another film that fans expected a lot from, but the result was some kind of soft-boiled boots. Inappropriate and strained humor, sagging action, lame logic were exacerbated by an unsuccessful casting. The aging Schwarzenegger could no longer pull out the entire film on himself, and the only scene that the audience really remembered was the shooting from a machine gun in the cemetery. The case when the authors missed a great opportunity to remain silent.
6. Highlander 2 Quickening (1991)
A real sensation in the mid-1980s, the original film starring Christophe Lambert and Sean Connery didn’t seem to need a sequel, but the temptation to make money from a sequel was too strong. As a result, in 1990, a film was released that plunged not only critics and ordinary viewers, but also fans into despondency, transferring the franchise to the category of B films, from which it could no longer get out. The plot of the film resembles a morning cocktail after a stormy celebration, into which the leftovers from all the bottles were poured. The stylish and mysterious world of immortal warriors suddenly turned into an indistinct and confusing story about aliens, environmental rebels and interplanetary villains, which you can watch only after drinking the mentioned cocktail.
5. Universal Soldier: The Return (1999)
Although the original film was not distinguished by originality (sorry for the tautology), it had the nerve of confrontation between the heroes of Jean-Claude Van Damme and the main Soviet boxer Ivan Drago, that is, Dolph Lundgren. And since for the second part this intrigue is in the style of “Who is stronger – an elephant or a sperm whale?” was already exhausted, then the authors could not squeeze something more out of the plot about the upgraded soldiers.
4. Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)
As it turned out, the key to the success of the first two films was not only huge robots transforming into everything and endless explosions, but also the right actors, good humor, and original plot twists. Unfortunately, by the fifth part, the franchise has lost almost all of the above components, and director Michael Bay decided to compensate for this with the formula “more robots and more explosions”. It didn’t work, and even the robot-Snake Gorynych didn’t save the situation …
3. Batman and Robin / Batman and Robin (1997)
After the first two great films from Tim Burton, which combined ingenuity, humor and a beautiful story, the franchise began to decline with the release of the third film, which Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones somehow managed to pull out. The fourth part was supposed to correct the situation, because in it the main villain was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. Unfortunately, the film turned out to be so awkward and boring that for a long time the studio bosses did not dare to allocate money for a full-length film about a hero with rubber ears. Only Christopher Nolan saved the day many years later.
2. Star Wars: Skywalker. Rise / Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Despite the fact that in the history of the saga there were three rather awkward prequels, it was the continuation filmed by Disney that turned out to be a kind of nail in the coffin of the franchise. As it turned out, viewers were already tired of the twists and turns of kinship conflicts in the Skywalker family, and were expecting something original from the authors. And then suddenly the granddaughter of the Emperor, and the revived Palpatine himself, and the star cruisers growing like mushrooms from the ground, and the attack of cavalry in the air, and much more nonsense were added to them. How to make a movie about the Star Wars universe was clearly demonstrated by the authors of the series “The Mandalorian”.
1. The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
A classic illustration of the saying “swing for a ruble, blow for a penny.” After the second film of the trilogy, many fans were impressed by the multi-faceted universe of the Matrix unfolding on the screen, expecting real cosmogonic revelations from the final part. The characters and storylines that appeared in “The Matrix Reloaded” looked painfully promising. True, some viewers immediately began to suspect something bad, but even they did not expect such a deafening failure. Instead of the final picture of the digital world with its gods and heroes, the authors rolled out a poorly glued action movie with countless Smith agents flickering on the screen, and the expected revelation boiled down to Neo’s dialogue with a giant needle-cushion. The Wachowski brothers and sisters failed the exam for equality to Carlos Castaneda.