New Soundbars from Samsung (HW-Q950T / Q900T)

Samsung has previously launched a number of new soundbars for 2020, but the real top models have been long overdue. Samsung had saved these for its digital autumn launch Life Unstoppable, which went off the stack on Wednesday. In addition to a glimpse of new home cinema projectors and the veranda TV The Terrace, we got to know the new soundbars HW-Q900T and HW-Q950T. Only through the screen then, albeit.

Samsung HW-Q950T / HW-Q900T: Soundbars with Dolby Atmos

The new top models are in practice the heirs of last year’s flagship model HW-Q96R, which we named the best soundbar of the year 2019-2020. The Samsung HW-Q900T and Q950T are of course compatible with Dolby Atmos, and come equipped with an arsenal of speaker elements!

HW-Q900T (16 pieces to be exact) in a so-called 7.1.2 configuration. This means that they have separate drivers for left / right, center and surround channels, as well as dedicated elevation channels.


The many speaker elements are hidden behind a nice and neat speaker cover from Danish Kvadrat. (Photo: Samsung)

The big brother Q950T also has external rear speakers with built-in height channels, which brings the total configuration up to 9.1.4!


New to this year’s models is that they have also used an extra set of side speakers (so-called Front Wide channels), which will provide a wider sound image.